上海工荣机械设备有限公司,是一家**生产铝木门窗加工设备的**化生产**企业.引进国外先进技术,参见意大利设计概念,德国的加工理念,结合两者优点于一体,在国内研发生产铝木门窗成套加工系列化设备,公司主要生产多款V型锯﹑自动码钉机,全自动码钉机,全自动打胶码钉机,锁孔三孔钻,自动锁卡扣机,多面异形木线砂光机等非标设备. A professional manufacturer and direct seller of processing machinery of aluminum and wooden doors and windows, Shanghai Gongrong Mechanical Equipment Co., Ltd., introduces advanced foreign technology, refers to Italian concept of design and Germany idea of processing researches and combine them together to develop and produce a series of equipments for aluminum and wooden doors and windows processing. Main products of the company include such non-standard equipments as V-shape saw, automatic nailing machine, fully-automatic nailing machine, fully-automatic gluing and nailing machine, locking core drill, automatic buckle locker and irregularly-shaped multi-surface wood line sanding machine, etc.
公司始终以诚信为本,质量至上,发挥企业精,细,专的特点,认真全面地为用户提供每件*低能质量**的产品.用较快的反应速度,通过较**的技术支持,提供客户较舒心的服务解决方案. The company has been always relying on credibility and prioritizing the quality. It exerts its feature of excellence, delicacy and devotion to provide customers with highly functional, energy-efficient and reliable products. With the quickest response speed, the most professional technical support, the company offers the most comfortable services and solutions to the customers.
加工方式 : 来料代工加工;来图加工;手工加工;其他;来样加工;来料加工;OEM加工;ODM加工;
工艺 : 机加工;模具加工;磨加工;模具制造;
产品质量认证 : CE;
**名称 : 工荣
质量控制 : 内部
主要市场 |
经营范围 |
公司主要经营, 设备配件,铝木门窗设备,门窗配件,V型锯,码钉机,锁孔钻,*榫,组框机,组角机,钉角机 |